Sunday, February 8, 2009

Biotechnology investment opportunity

This company develops gene therapy for Alzheimer's disese. Founded by Dr TJ Yoo and authority in immumoloyg and currently Professor of Medicine, Division Chief, Allergy/immunology at the Department of Medicine at the University of Tennesee in Memphis, USA.

Dr Yoo has initiated a research project of innovative treatment modality for Alzheimer's disease with encouraging preliminary results. He is now seeking funding opportunities to further develop the technology and move into clinical trial.

To contact Dr Yoo please send your request with a brief introduction of yourself to

Alternative clean energy opportunity

A US based company has recently invented a system and method for producing renewable energy from rivers and ocean/breakwaters. This is a totally new out of the box innovative design. The idea was to scrap the old single dimension approach of the past for a new system which utilized three dimensions. Their system can function both in traditional hydroelectric sites and in sites once deemed uneconomical for power production. Its breakthrough system thus opens a vast new source of cheap, constant electric power, with the added advantage of posing minimal impact on the environment.

This company is now seeking investment partners to:

(1) Verify and improve their technology
(2) Identify the site for an alpha plant installation, and
(3) Expand their management team to a new level.

If you're interested in contacting this company please send your request with a brief introduction of yourself to :

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Clean energy investments

An experienced investment professional in the clean energy sector is seeking potential business opportunities or partners for related projects
To contact him please send a request and brief introduction of yourself to

Source used luxury cars from the US!!

CK exports used luxury cars from the US to China or other parts of Asia. He's offer great deals on foreclosed autos with attractive re sale value overseas.
If you are a dealer in China or other Asia markets, please contact me to get in touch with them